
Top Ten Beaches in the Americas

Leaving the Caribbean and the European beaches behind us, this week we are heading to the Americas to find the best sand and surf in North and South Americas. Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Ipanema Beach is where the summer happens in Rio. Hardly undiscovered or unheard of - but the...

Travel Ten: Top Ten Adrenaline Adventures around the World

Most of us begin the new year with resolutions – endless lists that promise “to lose weight”, “to spend more time with family”, “to exercise more” and often on many of those lists will feature one that says, “travel more.” And like resolutions...

Travel Ten: Top Ten Places to Celebrate the New Year

The beginning of a new year is a magical time when most of us let go of the year past and look forward to new hopes and new joys a brand new year holds in all its magic and sparkle. What makes this time of the year even more sparkly is spending in a place you have not been before, blending in wit...

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