As Fashion Month draws to a close, we stop by the last underrated fashion capital on our map - Istanbul. Perhaps not up there with New York, London, Milan or Paris, but Istanbul boasts a fast flourishing fashion scene so let's check out the stylish city. Join us as Burcu, GlamRockGal takes us around Istanbul the stylish way.
Why Istanbul? What do you love most about your city?
Istanbul is like east meets west, Its authentic with great history of previous Kingdoms of Sultans, Kings, Queens. The city is located on two continents and the bosphorus has the most amazing view day and night.

What do you miss most when you're away?
That chaos we live in. Istanbul is very big and cosmopolit, its lively 24 hours, when I am in Europe cities I don't see they stay awake after 20:00 most shops close and people go to their homes. Istanbul is not like that. You can get service in restaurants even at late night hours and some shops still open for shopping until midnight.
What is the first thing you do when you return?
Eat Turkish food, go to bosphorus stricts like Ortaköy, Kuruçeşme, Bebek.

Where is the best place to stay (hotel wise)?
Taksim located hotels.
Where would you meet friends for a drink?
At Taksim and Nişantası mostly at Caffe Nero.

What are your favourite places for lunch?
Restaurants around Nişantaşı like Midpoint.
And for dinner?
Fish restaurants around bosphorus with a sea view.

Best place to club it up?
Taksim strict: around Asmalımescit
Where is the best place to shop?
Nişantaşı, Taksim, İstinyepark mall and Zorlu Center shopping mall. You can find world luxury here.

Where would you take a first time visitor?
Taksim and Sultanahmet.
What would you tell them to avoid?
Avoid book sellers of Sultanahmet. They are too pushy and killing our tourism because they are rude to sell.
What is the one absolute must do thing in your city and why?
Visit Hagia Sofia and Blue mosque, go to Kapalıçarşı, Mısır Çarşısı, see bosphorus, and eat Turkish food :)

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